Verse 1
Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord,
Ever faithful to thy word,
Humbly we our seal set to,
Testify that thou art true.
Verse 2
Lo! For us the wilds are glad,
All in chearful green array’d,
Opening sweets they all disclose;
Bud, and blossom as the rose.
Verse 3
Hark! The wastes have found a voice,
Lonely desarts now rejoice,
Gladsom hallelujahs sing,
All around with praises ring.
Verse 4
Lo, abundantly they bloom,
Lebanon is hither come,
Carmel’s stores the heavens dispense,
Sharon’s fertile excellence.
Verse 5
See these barren souls of ours
Bloom, and put forth fruits and flowers,
Flowers of Eden, fruits of grace,
Peace, and joy, and righteousness.
Verse 6
We behold (the abjects we)
Christ th’ incarnate deity,
Christ in whom thy glories shine,
Excellence of strength divine.
Verse 7
Ye that tremble at his frown,
He shall lift your hands cast down;
Christ who all your weakness sees,
He shall prop your feeble knees.
Verse 8
Ye of fearful hearts be strong,
Jesus will not tarry long;
Fear not, lest his truth should fail,
Jesus is unchangeable.
Verse 9
God, your God shall surely come,
Quell your foes, and seal their doom,
He shall come, and save you too:
We, O Lord, have found thee true.
Verse 10
Blind we were, but now we see,
Deaf—we hearken now to thee,
Dumb—for thee our tongues employ,
Lame—and lo! We leap for joy!
Verse 11
Faint we were, and parch’d with drought,
Water at thy word gush’d out,
Streams of grace our thirst refresh,
Starting from the wilderness.
Verse 12
Still we gasp thy grace to know;
Here forever let it flow,
Make the thirsty land a pool,
Fix the Spirit in our soul.
Verse 13
Where the antient dragon lay,
Open for thyself a way,
There let holy tempers rise,
All the fruits of paradise.
Verse 14
Lead us in the way of peace,
In the path of righteousness,
Never by the sinner trod,
Till he feels the cleansing blood.
Verse 15
There the simple cannot stray,
Babes, tho’ blind, may find their way,
Find, nor ever thence depart,
Safe in lowliness of heart.
Verse 16
Far from fear, from danger far,
No devouring beast is there;
There the humble walk secure,
God hath made their footsteps sure.
Verse 17
Jesu, mighty to redeem,
Let our lot be cast with them,
Far from earth our souls remove,
Ransom’d by thy dying love.
Verse 18
Leave us not below to mourn,
Fain we would to thee return,
Crown’d with righteousness arise,
Far above these nether skies.
Verse 19
Come, and all our sorrows chase,
Wipe the tears from every face,
Gladness let us now obtain,
Partners of thy endless reign.
Verse 20
Death, the latest foe destroy;
Sorrow then shall yield to joy,
Gloomy grief shall flee away,
Swallow’d up in endless day.