Help, O help, my great Creator

Verse 1
Help, O help, my great Creator,
Love the soul thyself hast made,
Burthen’d with a sinful nature
Let me still on thee be stay’d:
What I have to thee commended,
Saviour, wilt thou not secure,
’Till the fiery trial’s ended,
’Till I as my God am pure?

Verse 2
Hear my earnest supplication,
Keep me in this evil day;
With me in my strong temptation
O my kind protector, stay.
I have no one to deliver,
No one to defend I have,
Ruin’d, and undone for ever,
If my Lord refuse to save.

Verse 3
But it is thy gracious pleasure
To redeem me from all sin;
Only let me wait thy leisure,
’Till thou bring thy kingdom in:
Pray, and serve thee without ceasing,
’Till the perfect grace I prove,
Blest with all the gospel-blessing,
Fill’d with all the life of love.

Verse 4
Hear in this accepted hour,
Speak, and bid the sun stand still,
Give me now the constant power
Over my own carnal will;
Stronger wax thy love and stronger,
Let my bosom-sin give place,
Let the elder serve the younger,
Nature yield to sovereign grace.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems Vol. 1, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1749). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 465.
Publishing: Public Domain