Verse 1
Honour, and praise, O Christ, receive,
Thro’ whom thy saving name we know,
Thou gav’st us freely to believe,
And dost a second grace bestow;
Call us to bear the hallow’d cross,
And suffer for thy glorious cause.
Verse 2
Because from sin we turn away,
And will not from thy paths depart,
Lo! We have made ourselves a prey:
Spoil’d of our goods with chearful heart
We here our little all restore,
And would, but cannot part with more.
Verse 3
Far better goods we have above,
And substance more enduring far,
The earnest in our hearts we prove,
And taste the joys that wait us there;
Riches of grace, so freely given,
And Christ in us, and Christ in heaven.
Verse 4
Our heavenly wealth shall never fail,
Our fund of everlasting bliss,
Thieves do not there break thro’ and steal,
Nor Belial’s sons by violence seize,
They cannot spoil our goods above,
Or rob us of our Saviour’s love.
Verse 5
In him we have immortal food,
Cloathing that always shall endure,
A permanent and fix’d abode,
An heavenly house that standeth sure,
Who here are destitute of bread,
And want a place to lay our head.
Verse 6
Spoiler, take all! We will not grieve,
We will not of our loss complain:
Of freedom and of life bereave,
Our better lot shall still remain,
Enough for us the part divine,
The good, which never can be thine.