Verse 1
How happy are we
Who trust in the Lord!
Untroubled we see
The imminent sword,
Our merciless hater
We calmly defy,
Secure in a nature
That never can die.
Verse 2
Destruction may come,
The scourge may o’erflow,
And blood-thirsty Rome
Our country o’erthrow;
May torture and burn us,
But never can shock,
But never o’erturn us
Who stand on the Rock.
Verse 3
The waster of Rome
Is now on his way,
The lion is come
To scatter and slay:
Beyond his fierce power
We run to the Lamb,
And rest in the tower
Of Jesus’s name.
Verse 4
Our life is secure,
And hidden above,
Our safety as sure
As Jesus’s love;
Our joy and our heaven
Within us shall stay;
What Jesus hath given
None taketh away.
Verse 5
In tumult and war
His tokens we hear,
The noise of his car
Proclaims our Prince near:
Plague, earthquake and famine
Are awfully join’d,
To publish his coming,
Who ransoms mankind.
Verse 6
We know that his word
And promise are past;
Thy kingdom, O Lord,
Shall triumph at last:
The kingdoms before thee
And nations shall fall,
And all men adore thee,
The monarch of all.