How shall I lift my guilty eyes

Verse 1
How shall I lift my guilty eyes,
Or dare appear before thy face?
When deaf to mercy’s loudest cries,
I long have wearied out thy grace,
Withstood thy power, and cross’d thy art,
Nor heard, “My son, give me thy heart?”

Verse 2
How could I, Lord, hold out so long,
So long thy striving Spirit grieve!
Forgive me the despiteful wrong:
Behold, my all for thee I leave,
The whole, the whole I here restore,
And fondly keep back part no more.

Verse 3
Lo! I cut off the dear right hand,
Asham’d I should so late obey,
Pluck out my eye at thy command,
And cast the bleeding orb away;
Lo, with my last reserve I part,
I give, I give thee all my heart.

Verse 4
My heart, my will I here resign,
My life, my more than life for thee:
Take back my friends, no longer mine;
Bless’d be the love that lent them me:
Bless’d be the kind, revoking word,
Thy will be done, thy name ador’d!

Verse 5
Henceforth thy only will I chuse,
To Christ I die, to Christ I live;
Had I a thousand lives to lose,
Had I a thousand friends to give,
All, all I would to thee restore,
And grieve that I could give no more.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Upon Parting with His Friends, Part IV." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 248.
Publishing: Public Domain