Verse 1
I know that my Redeemer lives,
And ever prays for me:
A token of his love he gives,
A pledge of liberty.
Verse 2
I find him lifting up my head,
He brings salvation near,
His presence makes me free indeed,
And he will soon appear.
Verse 3
With confidence I now look up,
His promis’d aid implore,
Sweetly revives my blasted hope,
And I can doubt no more.
Verse 4
Far spent is the Egyptian night
Of fear, and pain, and grief,
And lo! I see the morning light
That brings assur’d relief.
Verse 5
The dreadful, dire, oppressive hour
Of tyrant-sin is past,
My soul defies its rage and power,
My soul on Christ is cast.
Verse 6
The power of hell, the strength of sin
My Jesus shall subdue,
His healing blood shall make[ 1] me clean,
And make my spirit new.
Verse 7
He will perform the work begun:
Jesus, the sinner’s friend,
Jesus, the lover of his own,
Will love me to the end.
Verse 8
No longer am I now afraid;
The promise must take place,
Perfect his strength in weakness made,
Sufficient is his grace.
Verse 9
Unto salvation kept I am,
Thro’ faith, by power divine,
Ready his nature, with his name
To be reveal’d in mine.
Verse 10
He wills that I should holy be:
Who can withstand his will?
The counsel of his grace in me
He surely shall fulfil.
Verse 11
Confident now of faith’s increase,
I all its fruits shall prove,
Substantial joy, and settled peace,
And everlasting love.
Verse 12
Yes, Lord, I put my trust in thee,
On thee my soul I stay;
I know, that thou wilt come to me,
And I shall see thy day.
Verse 13
With me, I know, thy Spirit dwells,
Nor ever shall depart,
Till in me he himself reveals,
And purifies my heart.
Verse 14
He tells me, he will quickly come,
And seal me his abode;
He now marks out his future home,
The temple of my God.
Verse 15
Jesu, I hang upon thy word,
I stedfastly believe
Thou wilt return, and claim me, Lord,
And to thyself receive.
Verse 16
Joyful in hope my spirit soars
To meet thee from above,
Thy goodness thankfully adores,
And sure I taste thy love.
Verse 17
Thy love I soon expect to find
In all its depth and height,
To comprehend th’ eternal mind,
And grasp the infinite.
Verse 18
When thou dost in my heart appear,
And love erects its throne,
I then enjoy salvation here,
And heaven on earth begun.
Verse 19
When God is mine, and I am his,
Of paradise possest,
I taste unutterable bliss,
And everlasting rest.
Verse 20
The bliss of those that fully dwell,
Fully in thee believe,
’Tis more than angel-tongues can tell,
Or angel-minds conceive.
Verse 21
Thou only knowst, who didst obtain,
And die to make it known:
The great salvation now explain,
And perfect us in one.
Verse 22
May I, may all who humbly wait,
The glorious joy receive,
Joy above all conception great,
Worthy of God to give.
Verse 23
Lord, I believe, and rest secure
In confidence divine,
Thy promise stands for ever sure,
And all thou art is mine.
[1] Wesley changed “make” to “wash” in 1745.