I too will magnify the Lord

Verse 1
I too will magnify the Lord,
And emulate the angels’ lays,
His loving-kindnesses record
In sounds of everlasting praise.

Verse 2
For all he hath on us bestow’d,
This only tribute can I bring,
Extol the mercies of my God,
His multitude of mercies sing.

Verse 3
How good to Israel’s chosen race
Who, who can all his goodness tell!
So rich in unexhausted grace,
His riches are unsearchable.

Verse 4
Surely, he said, mine own they are,
My people will not faithless prove,
My children will not slight my care,
Or disappoint a Father’s love.

Verse 5
Sweetly he strove their hearts to gain,
He woo’d them to embrace his will,
They never ask’d his help in vain,
But found a present Saviour still.

Verse 6
Dear as the apple of his eye
In all their griefs he kindly griev’d;
The angel of his presence nigh
From all the fav’rite nation saved.

Verse 7
He rescued when to evil sold,
He snatch’d them from impending harms,
Carried them all the days of old,
Safe in his everlasting arms.

Verse 8
He magnified his saving power,
Call’d them his utmost grace to prove,
With infinite compassion bore
The objects of his tend’rest love,

Verse 9
But Oh! They soon forsook their God,
The faithless and rebellious race
In devious paths of evil trod,
And griev’d the Spirit of his grace.

Verse 10
They vex’d; and forc’d his wrath to rise,
His vengeance fell so long delay’d:
Constrain’d the rebels to chastise,
He pour’d his judgments on their head.

Verse 11
His mercy then he call’d to mind,
He call’d to mind the antient days
When only merciful, and kind
He smiled on the peculiar race.

Verse 12
Where is he now—their God, their guide!
(He taught their hearts the powerful plea)
Where is he now, their hearts replied,
Who brought his people from the sea?

Verse 13
Who plac’d a shepherd o’er the rest,
And gave him wisdom from above,
And breath’d into his peaceful breast
The meek, mild spirit of his love.

Verse 14
Them by the hand of Moses led,
His power, and goodness to proclaim,
Beyond the bounds of time to spread
Jehovah’s everlasting name.

Verse 15
The Lord of hosts in all appear’d,
He smote the sea with Moses’ rod,
His glorious arm aloft he rear’d.
The parting sea confess’d its God.

Verse 16
He brought them thro’ the wondrous way,
The deep was dry at his command,
Secure they march’d in firm array,
Nor stumbled, till they reach’d the land.

Verse 17
Smooth as the gen’rous nurtur’d beast,
Into the verdant vale goes down,
To bring them to that promis’d rest,
His Spirit gently led them on.

Verse 18
Thus didst thou guide thy chosen race,
That every tongue might speak thy fame,
And earth, and heaven conspire to praise
The God of Israel’s glorious name.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "The Sixty-Third Chapter of Isaiah Part II." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1742), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1742). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 2 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 57.
Publishing: Public Domain