I will hearken what my Lord

Verse 1
I will hearken what my Lord,
Shall say concerning me.
Hast thou not a gracious word
For one that waits on thee?
Speak it to my soul, that I
May in thee have peace and power,
Never from my Saviour fly,
And never grieve thee more.

Verse 2
How have I thy Spirit griev’d,
Since first with me he strove?
Obstinately disbeliev’d,
And trampled on thy love?
I have sinn’d against the light,
I have broke from thy embrace,
No, I would not, when I might,
Be freely sav’d by grace.

Verse 3
After all that I have done
To drive thee from my heart,
Still thou wilt not leave thine own,
Thou wilt not yet depart,
Wilt not give the sinner o’er:
Ready art thou now to save,
Bidst me come, as heretofore,
That I thy life may have.

Verse 4
O thou meek, and gentle Lamb,
Fury is not in thee,
Thou continuest the same,
And still thy grace is free;
Still thy arms are open wide
Wretched sinners to receive,
Thou hast once for sinners died,
That all may turn, and live.

Verse 5
Lo! I take thee at thy word,
My foolishness I mourn,
Unto thee, my bleeding Lord,
However late I turn;
Yes; I yield, I yield at last,
Listen to thy speaking blood,
Me with all my sins I cast,
On my atoning God.

Verse 6
Freely am I justified,
And till my heart is pure,
In thy wounds will I abide,
From hell, and sin secure:
What of sin in me remains,
I believe thou wilt remove,
Thoroughly wash out all my stains,
And perfect me in love.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Waiting for Christ the Prophet." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1742), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1742). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 2 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 264.
Publishing: Public Domain