Verse 1
Immortal King of kings,
Whose favour or whose frown
Monarchs and states to honour brings,
Or turns them upside down;
To thee in danger’s hour
We for our sovereign cry,
Protect him by thy gracious power,
And set him up on high.
Verse 2
Not by a mighty host
Can he deliver’d be;
Let others in their numbers trust,
We look, O Lord, to thee:
Help to thy servant send,
And strengthen from above,
And still thy minister defend
By thine almighty love.
Verse 3
The Spirit of thy grace,
Thy heavenly unction shed,
And hosts of guardian angels place
Around his sacred head:
Confound whoe’er oppose,
Or force them to retire;
Be thou a tower against his foes,
Be thou a wall of fire.
Verse 4
O bring him out of all
His sanctified distress,
And by his name thy servant call,
And fill him with thy peace:
Shew him, Almighty Lord,
That thou his Saviour art,
And speak the soul-converting word
“My son, give me thy heart!”