Verse 1
Immortal Potentate,
Whose sov’reign will is fate,
Own the king we have from thee,
Bless the man of thy right-hand,
Crown him with thy majesty,
Let him in thine image stand.
Verse 2
Him for thy glory’s sake,
Thy faithful subject make:
Pour the unction from above,
All the gifts divine impart,
Make him happy in thy love,
Make him after thine own heart.
Verse 3
His sacred life defend,
And save him to the end:
Guard from all impending harms,
O Almighty King of kings;
Keep him in thy mercy’s arms,
Wrap him in thy mercy’s wings.
Verse 4
Defeat, confound, oppress
The troublers of his peace:
Blast their every vain design;
’Stablish thou his quiet throne;
Tell his foes “This soul is mine,
Touch not mine anointed one.”
Verse 5
Preserve a life so dear,
And long detain him here:
Late his spotless soul receive
To thy palace in the skies;
Bid him late in glory live,
Live the life that never dies.