Immortal Potentate

Verse 1
Immortal Potentate,
Whose sov’reign will is fate,
Own the king we have from thee,
Bless the man of thy right-hand,
Crown him with thy majesty,
Let him in thine image stand.

Verse 2
Him for thy glory’s sake,
Thy faithful subject make:
Pour the unction from above,
All the gifts divine impart,
Make him happy in thy love,
Make him after thine own heart.

Verse 3
His sacred life defend,
And save him to the end:
Guard from all impending harms,
O Almighty King of kings;
Keep him in thy mercy’s arms,
Wrap him in thy mercy’s wings.

Verse 4
Defeat, confound, oppress
The troublers of his peace:
Blast their every vain design;
’Stablish thou his quiet throne;
Tell his foes “This soul is mine,
Touch not mine anointed one.”

Verse 5
Preserve a life so dear,
And long detain him here:
Late his spotless soul receive
To thy palace in the skies;
Bid him late in glory live,
Live the life that never dies.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "A Prayer for His Majesty King George." Introduced in Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution, published by John and Charles Wesley (London, 1744). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 22.
Publishing: Public Domain