Verse 1
In Vengence, Lord, rebuke me not,
No longer let thy Wrath wax hot
The Sinner to chastise:
Thine Arrows in my Soul stick fast,
My Soul, as now to breathe her last,
Beneath thy Judgments lies.
Verse 2
Crush’d by thy heavy Hand I groan,
My Health is at thy Chiding gone,
My Bones are fill’d with Pain;
Plagued both in Soul and Flesh I grieve,
Restless thro’ Sin, I only live
To suffer and complain.
Verse 3
My Sins have swept me far from GOD,
My Sins insufferable Load
I groan, I faint to bear;
My desp’rate Soul his Grace implores,
As Bruises, Wounds, and putrid Sores
My Sins and Follies are.
Verse 4
Mourning I go beneath thy Frown,
Troubled, and all day long bow’d down,
With Guilt and Misery,
Fill’d with a loathsom sore Disease,
No Health alas! no Holiness,
No Virtue is in me.
Verse 5
In all the Feebleness of Sin,
Broken, and bruis’d, and sore within,
For Help I ever sigh,
My restless Spirit in deep Complaints
Its Total Fall aloud laments,
And cries a bitter Cry.
Verse 6
But all my Wants to Thee are known,
Thou hearest, Lord, my every Groan,
Thou seest my desp’rate Case;
My panting Heart hath lost its Might,
My weeping Eyes have lost their Light,
Nor view thy Blisful Face.
Verse 7
My Friends can yield me no Relief,
But fly from my contagious Grief;
While hunting for their Prey
My cruel Foes are always nigh,
And Sin, the World, and Satan try
My helpless Soul to slay.
Verse 8
But still regardless of the Wrong,
Deaf to their Threats, I held my Tongue,
And bore my Misery,
No hasty sharp Reply I made,
Thou, Lord, on whom my Soul is stay’d
Shalt answer soon for me.
Verse 9
O that I now might hear thy Voice,
Speak, Lord, nor let my Foes rejoice,
And glory in my Fall,
Defeat their dire malicious Joy,
Their Hopes, and vain Designs destroy,
Confound, confound them all.
Verse 10
For O! I always falling am,
My Helplesness, and Sin, and Shame
I every Moment see,
I see, and all my Sins confess,
I grieve at my own Wickedness,
And mourn for Help to Thee.
Verse 11
Mighty, and numberless my Foes,
Passions, and Lusts my Hopes oppose,
By Fiends and Men withstood,
I suffer all their Rage can do,
Because my Saviour I pursue,
And dare contend for GOD.
Verse 12
Ah! leave me not, my GOD and Lord,
Defer not to fulfil thy Word,
Nor from my Soul remove,
Make haste thy Goodness to reveal,
And let me my Salvation feel
In All-forgiving Love.