Verse 1
Jehovah, God the Father, bless,
And thy own work defend,
With mercy’s outstretch’d arms embrace,
And keep us to the end:
Preserve the creatures of thy love,
By providential care
Conducted to the realms above
To sing thy goodness there.
Verse 2
Jehovah, God the Son, reveal
The brightness of thy face,
And all thy pardon’d people fill
With plenitude of grace:
Shine forth with all the deity
Which dwells in thee alone,
And lift us up thy face to see
On thine eternal throne.
Verse 3
Jehovah, God the Spirit, shine,
Father and Son to show,
With bliss ineffable divine
Our ravish’d hearts o’erflow;
Sure earnest of the happiness
Which human thought transcends,
Be thou our everlasting peace,
When grace in glory ends.
Verse 4
Thy blessing, grace, and peace we claim,
Great God in Persons Three,
The incommunicable name
Ascribing now to thee:
We soon shall join that harping host,
And sing, thy saints among,
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
The new, eternal song.