Verse 1
Jesus, dear departed Lord,
True and gracious is thy word;
We in part have found it true;
All thy faithful mercies shew.
Verse 2
Thou art to thy Father gone,
Thou hast left us here alone,
Left us a long fast to keep,
Left us for thy loss to weep.
Verse 3
Laugh the world, secure and glad,
They rejoice, but we are sad,
We alas, lament and grieve,
Comfortless, till Thou relieve.
Verse 4
As a woman in her throes
Sinks o’rewhelm’d with fears and woes,
Sinks our soul thro’ grief and pain,
Strugling to be born again:
Verse 5
As she soon forgets to mourn,
Glad that a man-child is born,
Let us, lighten’d of our load,51
Find deliverance in our God.
Verse 6
Jesus, visit us again,
Look us out of grief and pain,
Kindly comfort us that mourn,
Into joy our sorrow turn.
Verse 7
Thy own joy to us impart,
Root it deeply in our heart,
Joy which none can take away,
Joy which shall forever stay.
Verse 8
All the kingdom from above,
All the happiness of love,
Be it to thy mourners given,
Pardon, holiness, and heaven.