Jesu, go not far from me

Verse 1
Jesu, go not far from me,
For sin is hard at hand,
I have none to help but thee,
Enable me to stand.
Hear out of the deep my cry,
And help me now as heretofore;
Save me, save me, or I die,
I fall to rise no more.

Verse 2
God of my salvation, hear,
In this my time of need;
See the day of battle near,
And skreen my naked head;
Send me succour from on high,
And hide me ’till the storm is o’er;
Save me, &c.

Verse 3
Thou hast oft my refuge been,
And thou art still the same;
Snatch me from the jaws of sin,
O quench the violent flame,
Bring thy great salvation nigh,
Stir up thine interposing power,
Save me, &c.

Verse 4
Help on thee, thou mighty one,
For all mankind is laid;
Let it now on me be shewn,
Be thou my present aid,
O come quickly, and stand by,
My soul throughout the trying hour;
Save me, &c.

Verse 5
Help me now, but let me still,
My want of help confess,
Hang upon thy arm, and feel
My utter helplessness,
Only this be all my cry,
’Till thou my ruin’d soul restore;
Save me, save me, or I die,
I fall to rise no more.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems Vol. 1, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1749). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 464.
Publishing: Public Domain