Jesu, hear a sinner’s prayer

Verse 1
Jesu, hear a sinner’s prayer,
Lo! I flee unto thee,
Cast on thee my care.

Verse 2
If, O Lord, I have found favour
In thy sight, be my might,
Be my loving Saviour.

Verse 3
To my soul in sore temptation
Let thine aid be convey’d
Shew me thy salvation.

Verse 4
Christ the tempted, hear my crying,
Sinner’s friend, succour send,
See, my soul is dying.

Verse 5
Lord, I cannot cease from sinning,
Till thou art in my heart,
Ending as beginning.

Verse 6
Every moment am I falling
Into hell, till thou seal
My effectual calling.

Verse 7
Alpha, and Omega, save me,
Enter in, bid my sin,
Bid my nature leave me.

Verse 8
Jesu, for thy love I languish,
Only love can remove
All my grief, and anguish.

Verse 9
I shall all in thee inherit,
Thirst no more, if thou pour
Into me thy Spirit.

Verse 10
Jesu’s love than sin is stronger;
When I prove Jesu’s love,
I shall sin no longer.

Verse 11
Faithful to thy Spirit’s leading,
I shall rest on thy breast,
Find my long-sought Eden.

Verse 12
Neither life, nor death shall sever;
When thou art in my heart,
Thou art there for ever.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "In Temptation." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1742), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1742). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 2 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 95.
Publishing: Public Domain