Jesu, I believe Thee near

Verse 1
Jesu, I believe thee near:
Now my fallen soul restore,
Now my guilty conscience clear,
Give me back my peace and power;
Stone to flesh again convert,
Write forgiveness on my heart.

Verse 2
I believe thy pardning grace
As at the beginning, free:
Open are thy arms t’ embrace
Me, the worst of rebels me;
All in me the hindrance lies,
Call’d I still refuse to rise.

Verse 3
Still my carnal mind withstands,
Still I madly hug my chain,
Start from thy extended hands,
Will not be receiv’d again,
Backwards cast my wishful eye,
Linger still from sin to fly.

Verse 4
Yet for thy own mercy sake,
Patience with thy rebel have,
Me thy mercy’s witness make,
Mon’ment of thy power to save,
Make me willing to be free,
Restless to be sav’d by thee.

Verse 5
Now the gracious work begin,
Now for good some token give,
Give me now to feel my sin,
Give me now my sin to leave,
Bid me look on thee, and mourn,
Bid me to thy arms return.

Verse 6
Take this heart of stone away,
Melt me into gracious tears,
Grant me power to watch and pray,
’Till thy lovely face appears,
’Till thy favour I retrieve,
’Till by faith again I live.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems Vol. 1, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1749). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 416.
Publishing: Public Domain