Verse 1
Jesu, if still thou art to day
As yesterday the same,
Present to heal, in me display
The virtue of thy name.
Verse 2
If still thou go’st about, to do
Thy needy creatures good,
On me, that I thy praise may shew,
Be all thy wonders shew’d.
Verse 3
Now, Lord, to whom for help I call,
Thy miracles repeat;
With pitying eyes behold me fall
A leper at thy feet.
Verse 4
Loathsome, and foul, and self-abhor’d,
I sink beneath my sin;
But if thou wilt, a gracious word
Of thine can make me clean.
Verse 5
Thou see’st me deaf to thy commands,
Open, O Lord, my ear;
Bid me stretch out my wither’d hands,
And lift them up in prayer.
Verse 6
Silent, (alas thou know’st how long)
My voice I cannot raise;
But O! When thou shalt loose my tongue,
The dumb shall sing thy praise.
Verse 7
Lame at the pool I still am found:
Give; and my strength employ;
Light as a hart I then shall bound,
The lame shall leap for joy.
Verse 8
Blind from my birth to guilt, and thee,
And dark I am within,
The love of God I cannot see,
The sinfulness of sin.
Verse 9
But thou, they say, art passing by;
O let me find thee near:
Jesus, in mercy hear my cry!
Thou Son of David hear!
Verse 10
Long have I waited in the way
For thee the heavenly light;
Command me to be brought, and say,
“Sinner, receive thy sight.”
Verse 11
While dead in trespasses I lie,
The quick’ning Spirit give;
Call me, thou Son of God, that I
May hear thy voice, and live.
Verse 12
While full of anguish and disease,
My weak, distemper’d soul
Thy love compassionately sees,
O let it make me whole.
Verse 13
While torn by hellish pride, I cry,
By legion-lust possest,
Son of the living God, draw nigh,
And speak me into rest.
Verse 14
Cast out thy foes, and let them still
To Jesu’s name submit;
Cloath with thy righteousness, and heal,
And place me at thy feet.
Verse 15
To Jesu’s name if all things now
A trembling homage pay,
O let my stubborn spirit bow,
My stiff-neck’d will obey.
Verse 16
Impotent, dumb, and deaf, and blind,
And sick, and poor I am;
But sure a remedy to find
For all in Jesu’s name.
Verse 17
I know in thee all fulness dwells,
And all for wretched man;
Fill every want my spirit feels,
And break off every chain.
Verse 18
If thou impart thyself to me,
No other good I need;
If thou the Son shalt make me free,
I shall be free indeed.
Verse 19
I cannot rest, till in thy blood,
I full redemption have;
But thou, thro’ whom I come to God,
Canst to the utmost save.
Verse 20
From sin, the guilt, the power, the pain,
Thou wilt redeem my soul.
Lord, I believe; and not in vain:
My faith shall make me whole.
Verse 21
I too with thee shall walk in white;
With all thy saints shall prove,
What is the length, and breadth, and height,
And depth of perfect love.