Verse 1
Jesu, shew us thy salvation,
(In thy strength we strive with thee)
By thy mystic incarnation,
By thy pure nativity,
Save us thou, our new-Creator,
Into all our souls impart,
Thy divine unsinning nature,
Form thyself within our heart.
Verse 2
By thy first blood-shedding heal us;
Cut us off from every sin,
By thy circumcision seal us,
Write thy law of love within;
By thy Spirit circumcise us:
Kindle in our hearts a flame;
By thy baptism baptize[1] us
Into all thy glorious name.
Verse 3
By thy fasting and temptation
Mortify our vain desires,
Take away what sense, or passion,
Appetite, or flesh requires:
Arm us with thy self-denial,
Every tempted soul defend,
Save us in the firey trial,
Make us faithful to the end.
Verse 4
By thy sorer sufferings save us,
Save us when conform’d to thee,
By thy miseries relieve us,
By thy painful agony;
When beneath thy frown we languish,
When we feel thine anger’s weight,
Save us by thine unknown anguish,
Save us by thy bloody sweat.
Verse 5
By that highest point of passion,
By thy sufferings on the tree,
Save us from the indignation
Due to all mankind, and me:
Hanging, bleeding, panting, dying,
Gasping out thy latest breath,
By thy precious death’s applying
Save us from eternal death.
Verse 6
From the world of care release us,
By thy decent burial save,
Crucified with thee, O Jesus,
Hide us in thy quiet grave:
By thy power divinely glorious,
By thy resurrection’s power
Raise us up, o’er sin victorious,
Raise us up to fall no more.
Verse 7
By the pomp of thine ascending,
Live we here to heaven restor’d,
Live in pleasures never ending,
Share the portion of our Lord:
Let us have our conversation
With the blessed spirits above,
Sav’d with all thy great salvation,
Perfectly renew’d in love.
Verse 8
Glorious head, triumphant Saviour,
High enthron’d above all height,
We have now thro’ thee found favour,
Righteous in thy Father’s sight:
Hears he not thy prayer unceasing?
Can he turn away thy face:
Send us down the[2] purchas’d blessing,
Fulness of the gospel-grace.
Verse 9
By the coming of thy Spirit
As a mighty rushing wind,
Save us into all thy merit,
Into all thy sinless[3] mind;
Let the perfect gift be given,
Let thy will in us be seen,
Done on earth as ’tis in heaven:
Lord, thy Spirit cries Amen!
[1] Wesley changed “baptize” to “now baptize” in 1777.
[2] Wesley changed “the” to “thy” in 1774.
[3] Wesley changed “sinless” to “spotless” in 1764.