Verse 1
Jesu, the strength of all that faint,
When wilt thou hear my sad complaint?
Jesu, the weary wanderer’s rest,
When wilt thou take me to thy breast?
Verse 2
My spirit mourns, by thee forgot,
And droops my heart, where thou art not:
My soul is all an aking void,
And pines, and thirsts, and gasps for God.
Verse 3
The pain of absence still I prove,
Sick of desire, but not of love:
Weary of life, I ever groan,
I long to lay the burthen down.
Verse 4
’Tis burthen all, and pain, and strife:
O give me love, and take my life!
Jesu, my only want supply,
O let me taste thy love, and die!