Verse 1
Jesu, thy word for ever lives,
A new accomplishment receives
In sinners lost like me;
Thy word doth all my soul express,
In every picture of distress
I read my misery.
Verse 2
Written for me the gospel-page,
The word of God from age to age
Stedfast remains, and sure:
Thou shewst my wants; but help them too,
Thy miracles of healing shew,
And let me read my cure.
Verse 3
Thy servant, Lord, in torment is,
The palsy, sin is my disease,
My better half is dead:
O cause me thy free grace to feel,
And by thy love my numbness heal,
Thy quickning Spirit shed.
Verse 4
I am not worthy, Lord, that thou
To such an abject worm shouldst bow,
Or enter my poor soul:
But only speak the gracious word,
And I shall be at once restor’d,
And perfectly made whole.
Verse 5
A begging Bartimeus I,
Naked, and blind for mercy cry,
If mercy is for me,
Jesu, thou Son of David hear,
Stand still, and call, and draw me near,
And bid the sinner see.
Verse 6
A leper at thy feet I fall;
And still for mercy, mercy call,
Till I am purg’d from sin;
With pity see my desp’rate case,
And O! Put forth thy hand of grace,
And touch my nature clean.
Verse 7
Borne by the prayer of faith I lie,
And long to meet thy pitying eye,
And feebly gasp to heaven;
O make in me thy power appear,
And answer, Son, be of good chear,
Thy sins are all forgiven.
Verse 8
O Son of man, thy power make known,
That all with me may gladly own
Thou canst on earth forgive,
Bid me take up my bed, and go,
Cause me to walk with thee below,
And then to heaven receive.