Jesus, accept the praise

Verse 1
Jesus, accept the praise
That to thy name belongs,
Matter of all our lays,
Subject of all our songs,
Through thee we now together came,
And part exulting in thy name.

Verse 2
In flesh we part a-while
(But still in spirit join’d)
T’ embrace the happy toil
Thou hast for each assign’d:
And while we do thy blessed will,
We bear our heaven about us still.

Verse 3
O let us thus go on,
In all thy pleasant ways,
And, arm’d with patience, run
With joy th’ appointed race:
Keep us, and every seeking soul,
Till all attain the heavenly goal.

Verse 4
There we shall meet again,
When all our toils are[1] o’er,
And death, and grief, and pain,
And parting is no more:
We shall with all our brethren rise,
And grasp thee in the flaming skies.

Verse 5
O happy, happy day,
That calls thy exiles home!
The heavens shall pass away,
The earth receive its doom,
Earth we shall view, and heaven destroy’d,
And shout above the fiery void.

Verse 6
These eyes shall see them fall,
Mountains, and stars, and skies,
These eyes shall see them all
Out of their ashes rise;
These lips his praises shall rehearse,
Whose nod restores the universe.

Verse 7
According to his word,
His oath to sinners given,
We look to see restor’d
The ruin’d earth and heaven,
In a new world his truth to prove,
A world of righteousness and love.

Verse 8
Then let us wait the sound
That shall our souls release,
And labour to be found
Of him in spotless peace,
In perfect holiness renew’d,
Adorn’d with Christ, and meet for God.

[1] Wesley changed “toils are” to “toil are” in 1761 and “toil is” in 1765.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ (William Strahan, 1747). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 271.
Publishing: Public Domain