Verse 1
Jesus, let all thy lovers[1] shine
Illustrious as the sun,
And bright with borrow’d rays divine
Their glorious circuit run,
Beyond the reach of mortals, spread
Their light, where’er they go,
And heavenly influences shed
On all the world below.
Verse 2
As giants may they run their race,
Exulting in their might,
As burning luminaries chase
The gloom of hellish night,
As the great Sun of righteousness
Their healing wings display;
And let their lustre still increase
Unto the perfect day.
Verse 3
Such honour all thy saints receive,
Who thee sincerely love;
Dispensers of thy gifts we live,
And general blessings prove;
And when our useful course is run,
Injoy the kingdom given,
Bright as the uncreated Sun
In the eternal heaven.
[1] Wesley used “glories” instead of “lovers” in a manuscript copy.