Verse 1
Jesus mine Advocate hath been,
And by the fiery darts assail’d
Of Satan, and the world, and sin,
My faith hath never wholly fail’d:
Jesus, on whom I still depend,
Who ever lives for me to pray,
Shall keep me patient to the end,
Shall make me faithful to that day.
Verse 2
The tempted church for help relies
On his almighty prayer alone,
Who lives, his one great sacrifice
To plead before his Father’s throne:
A voice assaults the ears of God,
“That trembling, sinking soul sustain,
“Attentive to this speaking blood,
“Which cannot stream, or cry in vain.[”]
Verse 3
Sav’d by that blood from death and hell,
My own infirmity I know,
And bowels of compassion feel
For every tempted soul below,
With tenderest love their burthen bear,
(If Christ thro’ me his grace supply)
And joining in my Saviour’s prayer,
Servant of all I live and die.