Verse 1
Jesus, my Lord, attend
Thy fallen creature’s cry,
And shew thyself the sinner’s friend,
And set me up on high;
From hell’s oppressive power,
From earth and sin release,
And to thy Father’s grace restore,
And to thy perfect peace.
Verse 2
For this, alas! I mourn,
In helpless unbelief,
But thou my wretched heart canst turn,
And heal my sin and grief;
Salvation in thy name
To dying souls is given,
And all may, through thy merit, claim
A right to life and heaven.
Verse 3
Thy blood and righteousness
I make my only plea,
My present and eternal peace
Are both deriv’d from thee;
Rivers of life divine
From thee their fountain flow,
And all who know that love of thine,
The joy of angels know.
Verse 4
O then impute, impart
To me thy righteousness,
And let me taste how good thou art,
How full of truth and grace:
That thou canst here forgive
I long to testify,
And justified by faith to live,
And in that faith to die.