Verse 1
Jesus, my soul aspires
By faith to compass Thee,
With infinite desires
To grasp Immensity:
Of all in earth and heaven
I nothing want beside,
But when my God is given,
My soul is satisfied.
Verse 2
Thy nature pure partaking,
To Thee in Spirit join’d
And in thine image waking
The true delight I find:
The God of my salvation
If Thou in me appear,
With blest anticipation
I see, and taste thee here.
Verse 3
Yet still my Lord possessing
For more of heaven I pray,
I want the final blessing
In that most joyful day,
The intimate fruition
Of glorious Holiness,
The full, eternal Vision
Of my Redeemer’s face.
Verse 4
Come then in all thy glory
The saints triumphant King,
Of all things transitory
The flaming period bring:
And lo, out of the burning
On angels wings I fly
And meet my Lord returning,
And grasp Him in the sky!