Verse 1
Jesus, our exalted head,
Regard thy people’s prayer,
Send us in thy body’s stead
Th’ abiding Comforter,
From thy dazling throne above,
From thy Father’s glorious seat
Send the Spirit of truth and love,
The’ eternal Paraclete.
Verse 2
Issuing forth from him and thee
O let THE BLESSING flow,
Pour the streaming deity
On all thy church below;
Him to testify thy grace,
Him to teach how good thou art,
Him to vouch thy Godhead, place
In every faithful heart.
Verse 3
God of God, and light of light,
Thee let him now reveal,
Justify us by thy right,
And stamp us with thy seal,
Fill our souls with joy and peace,
Wisdom, grace, and utterance give,
Constitute thy witnesses,
And in thy members live.
Verse 4
By the Holy Ghost we wait
To say thou art the Lord,
Sav’d, and to our first estate
In perfect love restor’d,
Then we shall in every breath
Testify the power we prove,
Publish thee in life and death
The God of truth and love.