Jesus our help in time of need

Verse 1
Jesus, our help in time of need,
Thy suffering servants see,
Who would in all thy footsteps tread,
And bear the cross with thee.

Verse 2
Stand by us in this evil hour,
Our feeble souls defend,
And in our weakness shew thy power,
And keep us to the end.

Verse 3
The world, and their infernal god
Against thy people rise,
Because our trust is in thy blood
They mingle earth and skies.

Verse 4
Slaughter, and cruel threats they breathe,
And endless battles wage,
And gnash upon us with their teeth,
And tear the ground with rage.

Verse 5
Captain of our salvation hear,
In all the heathen’s sight
Make bare thine arm; appear, appear,
And for thy people fight.

Verse 6
Jesus, thy righteous cause maintain,
The sons of violence quell,
Take to thee thy great power, and reign
O’er heaven, and earth, and hell.

Verse 7
As chaff before the whirlwind drive,
And bruise them by thy rod,
Who madly with their Maker strive,
And fight against their God.

Verse 8
Who kick against the pricks in vain
Thy foes in anger blast,
And chasten with judicial pain,
But save their souls at last.

Verse 9
O that at last by love compel’d
The rebels might submit,
In humble hope of mercy yield,
And tremble at thy feet!

Verse 10
The faith they persecute, imbrace,
On thee their Lord rely,
And live the mon’ments of thy grace,
And for thy glory die!

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution, second edition, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Farley, 1745). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 30.
Publishing: Public Domain