Jesus, the rising Lord of all

Verse 1
Jesus, the rising Lord of all,
His love to man commends,
Poor worms he blushes not to call
His brethren and his friends.

Verse 2
Who basely all forsook their Lord
In his distress, and fled,
To these[1] he sends the joyful word,
When risen from the dead.

Verse 3
Go tell the vile deserters!—No:
My dearest brethren tell,
Their Advocate to heaven I go,
To rescue them from hell.

Verse 4
Lo! To my Father I ascend!
Your Father now is he,
My God, and yours, whoe’er depend
For endless life on me.

Verse 5
Henceforth I ever live above
For you to interceed,
The merit of my dying love,
For all mankind to plead.

Verse 6
Sinners, I rose again to shew
Your sins are all forgiv’n,
And mount above the skies, that you
May follow me to heav’n.

[1] Wesley changed “these” to “thee” in 1774.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Our Lord's Resurrection, published by Charles Wesley (London, 1746). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 134.
Publishing: Public Domain