Verse 1
Jesus, thy feeble Servant see!
Sick is the man belov’d by Thee:
Thy Name to magnify,
To spread thy gospel-truths again,
His precious soul in life detain,
Nor suffer him to die.
Verse 2
The fervent prayer Thou oft hast heard,
Thy mighty arm in mercy bared;
Thy wonder-working power
Appear’d in all thy people’s sight,
And stopt the spirit in its flight,
Or bad the grave restore.
Verse 3
In faith we ask a fresh reprieve;
Frequent in deaths, he still shall live,
If Thou pronounce the word,
Shall spend for Thee his strength renew’d,
Witness of the all-cleansing blood,
Forerunner of his Lord.
Verse 4
The Spirit which rais’d Thee from the dead,
Be in its quickning virtue shed,
His mortal flesh to raise,
To consecrate thy human shrine,
And fill with energy divine,
The minister of grace.
Verse 5
Body, and soul at once revive,
The prayer of faith, in which we strive,
So shall we all proclaim
According to thy gracious will,
Omnipotent the sick to heal
In every age the same.