Verse 1
Jesus, we long to know thy name,
To-day, as yesterday the same
Our Lord and Saviour be,
That comfort of the troubled heart
That gift unspeakable impart,
That faith which is in thee.
Verse 2
Surely we do in God believe;
Yet O! We still must fear and grieve
Till thou the secret tell,
The end of thy departure shew,
The heaven-insuring faith bestow,
And all thy love reveal.
Verse 3
Us by thy Spirit certify,
That we, e’en we shall in the sky
Our happy mansions find,
There is thy Father’s house above,
Celestial thrones of glorious love
For us, and all mankind.
Verse 4
Art thou not our forerunner gone
To claim the kingdom for thine own,
Thro’ thee to all men given,
To challenge and prepare a place
For us, and every child of grace
And write our names in heaven?
Verse 5
Yes, thou art surely gone before;
We see thee, Lord, on earth no more,
And for thy absence mourn;
But lo! We on thy word depend;
Our griefs and miseries to end
Thou wilt at last return.
Verse 6
Soon as thou hast our place prepar’d,
And made us meet for our reward,
Thou wilt come back again,
Wilt to thyself our souls receive
With thee eternally to live,
Eternally to reign.