Verse 1
Jesus, we on the words depend
Spoken by thee while present here,
The Father in my name shall send
The Holy Ghost, the Comforter.
Verse 2
THAT PROMISE made to Adam’s race,
Now, Lord, in us, ev’n us fulfil,
And give the Spirit of thy grace,
To teach us all thy perfect will.
Verse 3
That heavenly teacher of mankind
That guide infallible impart,
To bring thy sayings to our mind,
And write them on our faithful heart.
Verse 4
He only can the words apply
Thro’ which we endless life possess,
And deal to each his legacy,
His Lord’s unutterable peace.
Verse 5
That peace of God, that peace of thine
O might he now to us bring in,
And fill our souls with power divine,
And make an end of fear and sin.
Verse 6
The length and breadth of love reveal,
The heighth and depth of deity,
And all the sons of glory seal,
And change, and make us all like thee!