Lamb of God, we follow Thee

Verse 1
Lamb of God, we follow thee,
Willing as thou art to be,
Joyful in thy steps to go,
Suffering for thy sake below.

Verse 2
Taking up our daily cross,
Call’d to shame, and pain, and loss,
Well-contented to sustain
All the rage of cruel man.

Verse 3
Who thy lovely pattern knows
Cannot force with force oppose,
They that to thy fold belong
Dare not render wrong for wrong.

Verse 4
Bruis’d by the oppressor’s hand
Evil they will ne’er withstand,
All that follow thee are meek,
Taught to turn the other cheek.

Verse 5
Jesu, in thy gracious power
Lo! We meet the fiery hour,
Calm, dispassionate, resign’d,
Arm’d with all thy patient mind.

Verse 6
After thee with joy we come
Sheep before our shearers dumb,
Answering not one angry word,
True disciples of our Lord.

Verse 7
Suffering here we threaten not,
Innocent in word and thought,
Harmless as a wounded dove,
Hatred we repay with love.

Verse 8
Turn, almighty as thou art,
Turn our persecutors’ heart,
Let them to our faith be given,
Let us meet our foes in heaven.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution, second edition, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Farley, 1745). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 34.
Publishing: Public Domain