Verse 1
Let angels and archangels sing
The wonderful Immanuel’s name,
Adore with us our new-born King,
And still the joyful news proclaim,
All earth and heaven be ever join’d
To praise the Saviour of mankind.
Verse 2
The everlasting God comes down
To sojourn with the sons of men;
Without his majesty or crown,
The great INVISIBLE is seen:
Of all his dazling glories shorn
The everlasting God is born!
Verse 3
Angels, behold that infant’s face,
With rapt’rous awe the Godhead own:
’Tis all your heaven on him to gaze,
And cast your crowns before his throne;
Tho’ now he on his footstool lies,
Ye know he built both earth and skies.
Verse 4
By him into existence brought,
Ye sang the all-creating word;
Ye heard him call our world from nought:
Again, in honour of your Lord,
Ye morning-stars your hymns employ,
And shout, ye sons of God, for joy.