Verse 1
Let the world lament and grieve
At parting with a friend,
Thee we back to Jesus give,
We chearfully commend
Thee to his preserving grace:
Go, in full assurance go!
Heavenward set thy stedfast face,
And only Jesus know.
Verse 2
Jesus, and him crucified
Forever bear in mind,
Shelter in his bleeding side
Be confident to find;
Let his truth, and faithfulness
Still thy shield, and buckler prove,
Keep thy soul in perfect peace,
And everlasting love.
Verse 3
Love the dear atoning Lamb,
And us for Jesu’s sake;
Let us each, in Jesu’s name,
Of others mention make;
Present thro’ the Spirit’s prayer,
Absent when in flesh thou art,
To the throne of grace we bear,
We bear thee on our heart.
Verse 4
To the source of all our good
Thy soul we now commend,
Jesu, sprinkle with thy blood,
And love him to the end:
Faithfully on thee we call,
Perfect him, and us in one,
With us, by us, in us, all
Thy only will be done.