Lift up your heads, ye gates

Verse 1
Lift up your heads, ye gates,
T’ admit your King again!
Return’d from earth he waits
With half his angel train:
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.

Verse 2
Instinct with living powers
The huge portcullis raise,
Ye everlasting doors
Disclose the holiest place,
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.

Verse 3
He comes, he comes from far,
The strong and mighty Lord,
Mighty and strong in war,
To claim his just reward:
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.

Verse 4
The Lord of hosts is he,
The omnipotent I AM,
Glorious in majesty,
Jehovah is his name:
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.

Verse 5
Jehovah, Jesus, Lord
Of earth and heaven receive,
Who comes, that man restor’d
With God again may live;
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.

Verse 6
Forerunner of mankind
For us he reigns on high,
Till all his members join’d
Repeat the joyful cry
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the sons of glory in!

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in Hymns for Ascencion Day, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1746).Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 153.
Publishing: Public Domain