Verse 1
Lift up your heads, ye gates,
T’ admit your King again!
Return’d from earth he waits
With half his angel train:
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.
Verse 2
Instinct with living powers
The huge portcullis raise,
Ye everlasting doors
Disclose the holiest place,
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.
Verse 3
He comes, he comes from far,
The strong and mighty Lord,
Mighty and strong in war,
To claim his just reward:
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.
Verse 4
The Lord of hosts is he,
The omnipotent I AM,
Glorious in majesty,
Jehovah is his name:
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.
Verse 5
Jehovah, Jesus, Lord
Of earth and heaven receive,
Who comes, that man restor’d
With God again may live;
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the King of Glory in.
Verse 6
Forerunner of mankind
For us he reigns on high,
Till all his members join’d
Repeat the joyful cry
Wide open throw the heavenly scene,
Receive the sons of glory in!