Verse 1
Live our great God on high
Eternally ador’d,
Who gave his Son to die,
Our dear redeeming Lord
He from his throne and bosom gave,
A world, a sinful world to save.
Verse 2
Worship and praise and power
Ascribe we to the Lamb,
His bleeding wounds adore,
And kiss his precious name,
Jesus the name to sinners given,
The name that lifts us up to heaven.
Verse 3
That blessed Spirit praise
Who shews th’ atoning blood,
Applies the Saviour’s grace,
And seals the sons of God;
Spirit of grace and glory too
He claims eternal praise his due.
Verse 4
We with our friends above,
When time and death shall end,
In exstacies of love
An heavenly life shall spend,
Spend in the great Jehovah’s praise
An age of everlasting days.