Verse 1
Lo! I come with joy to do
The Master’s blessed will,
Him in outward works pursue,
And serve his pleasure still;
Faithful to my Lord’s commands,
I still would chuse the better part,
Serve with careful Martha’s hands,
And humble Mary’s heart.
Verse 2
Careful, without care, I am,
Nor feel my happy toil,
Kept in peace by Jesus’[1] name,
Supported by his smile:
Joyful thus my faith to shew,
I find his service my reward;
Every work I do below,
I do it to the Lord.
Verse 3
Thou, O Lord, in tender love
Dost all my burthens bear,
Lift my heart to things above,
And fix it ever there:
Calm on tumult’s wheel I sit,
Midst busy multitudes alone,
Sweetly waiting at thy feet,
Till all thy will be done.
Verse 4
To the desart, or the cell;
Let others blindly fly,
In this evil world I dwell,
Unhurt, unspotted, I:
Here I find an house of prayer,
To which I inwardly retire,
Walking unconcern’d in care,
And unconsum’d in fire.
Verse 5
Thou, O Lord, my portion art,
Before I hence remove,
Now my treasure and my heart
Is all laid up above;
Far above these earthly things
(While yet my hands are here employ’d)
Sees my soul the King of kings,
And freely talks with God.
Verse 6
O that all the art might know,
Of living thus to thee!
Find their heaven begun below,
And here thy goodness see:
Walk in all the works prepar’d
By thee to exercise their grace,
Till they gain their[2] full reward,
And see thy glorious face.
[1] Wesley changed “Jesus’” to “Jesu’s” in 1756.
[2] Wesley changed “their” to “the” in 1761.