Verse 1
Lord, I know not how to pray,
Help mine infirmity,
Tell me, Father, what to say,
And I will speak to thee:
Wretched, poor, and helpless I
Would fain be taken to thy breast;
Abba Father, hear me cry,
And lull my soul to rest.
Verse 2
E’er I utter my complaint
My wants to thee are known;
Need I tell thee that I want
The Spirit of thy Son?
Still, alas! For this I sigh,
Forlorn, forsaken, and distrest:
Abba Father, &c.
Verse 3
Once I knew thee reconcil’d,
And saw thy smiling face,
Loving as a little child,
I lisp’d my Father’s praise:
Now I cannot find thee nigh,
By clouds of sin and grief opprest:
Abba Father, &c.
Verse 4
Ever hoping against hope,
I struggle to believe:
’Till thy mercy lift me up,
Contentedly I grieve;
Weeping at thy feet I lie
That I have so my God displeas’d:
Abba Father, &c.
Verse 5
Tho’ thou seem to cast me out,
And leave me still to mourn,
Yet thou wilt (I dare not doubt)
Thou wilt at last return:
Thou canst not thyself deny,
Of thee I shall be re-possest:
Abba Father, &c.
Verse 6
To chastise me for my pride
Thou hidest now thy face:
When my will is crucified,
I shall regain thy grace;
Pain shall at thy presence fly,
Again I shall in thee be blest:
Abba Father, &c.
Verse 7
Let me from this moment give
My fond complainings o’er,
Unto thee the matter leave,
And teach my God no more;
When, and as thou wilt comply,
But grant, O grant me my request:
Abba Father, &c.
Verse 8
Perfect what thou hast begun,
And love me to the end,
Send, because I am thy son,
To me thy Spirit send;
On the promise I rely,
Thy manner, and thy time is best:
Abba Father, hear me cry,
And lull my soul to rest.