Lord of the wide-extended main

Verse 1
Lord of the wide-extended main,
Whose power the winds and seas controuls,
Whose hand doth earth and heaven sustain,
Whose Spirit leads believing souls;

Verse 2
For thee we leave our native shore,
(We, whom thy love delights to keep)
In other worlds, thy works explore,
And see thy wonders in the deep.

Verse 3
’Tis here thy unknown paths we trace,
Which dark to human eyes appear,
While through the mighty waves we pass,
Faith only sees that God is here.

Verse 4
Throughout the deep thy footsteps shine,
We own thy way is in the sea,
O’er-aw’d by majesty divine,
And lost in thy immensity!

Verse 5
Thy wisdom here we learn t’ adore,
Thy everlasting truth we prove,
Amazing heights of boundless power,
Unfathomable depths of love.

Verse 6
Infinite God, thy greatness spann’d
These heavens, and meted out the skies,
Lo! In the hollow of thy hand,
The measur’d waters sink and rise!

Verse 7
Thee to perfection who can tell?
Earth, and her sons beneath thee lie
Lighter than dust within thy scale,
—Less than nothing in thine eye.

Verse 8
Yet in thy Son divinely great,
We claim thy providential care.
Boldly we stand before thy seat,
Our Advocate hath placed us there.

Verse 9
With him we are gone up on high,
Since he is ours, and we are his;
With him we reign above the sky,
Yet walk upon our subject seas.

Verse 10
We boast of our recover’d pow’rs,
Lords are we of the lands, and floods,
And earth, and heaven, and all is ours,
And we are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s!

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "A Hymn, to Be Sung at Sea." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 229.
Publishing: Public Domain