Verse 1
Lord, thy Word’s Unerring Light,
As a Lamp my Path doth shew,
Guides my steady Feet aright;
Every One that Doth shall Know.
I have sworn to do thy Will;
Thro’ thine all-sufficient Grace
I shall all my Vows fulfil,
Shall fulfil all Righteousness.
Verse 2
Troubled, and distrest I am,
O be mindful of thy Word,
Grant the Promis’d Help I claim,
Speak me now to Life restor’d:
Thanks for all thy former Grace
From a willing Heart receive,
Still instruct me in thy Ways,
Bid me to thy Glory live.
Verse 3
Lord, my Life is in my Hand
Ever sinking into Hell,
Yet I in thy Precepts stand,
In the Paths of Duty dwell.
Me the World hath sought t’ insnare
Joining with my treacherous Heart,
Yet from Thee I did not err,
Would not from thy Statutes start.
Verse 4
I have thy Commandments took
For mine Heritage below,
From the Volume of the Book
All my Joys and Comforts flow;
In Obedience to thy Will,
I have long’d my Life to spend,
All thy Statutes to fulfil,
Serve and love Thee to the End.