Verse 1
Lord, we will not let thee go,
Till thine Arm, reveal’d below,
Captive leads captivity,
Sets the ransom’d prisoner free.
Verse 2
Tho’ she takes the Tempter’s part,
Well Thou knowst, her simple heart
Doth no evil thing intend,
Woud not wilfully offend.
Verse 3
By thy Spirit’s power convince
One who ignorantly sins,
Darkness still mistakes for light,
Fondly thinks that Wrong is Right.
Verse 4
Willing made her God t’ obey
Bring her back into thy way:
Thine the pleasant way of peace,
Duty, love, and happiness.
Verse 5
Now avenge her of her Foe,
Now release, and let her go,
Free indeed, renew’d, restor’d,
All devoted to the Lord.
Verse 6
Let her, as thy laws require,
Wait on her respected Sire,
Cherish him with pious care,
Gladly all his burthens bear:
Verse 7
Staff of his declining age
Sent, his sufferings to assuage,
Aid to minister, and ease,
God, by pleasing Him, to please.
Verse 8
Make her Duty her delight,
Acceptable in thy sight,
That she may thy glory see
Find her full reward in Thee.