Verse 1
Master, we call to mind thy word,
We are not now above our Lord:
Sufficient ’tis for us to be
In sufferings and in griefs like thee.
Verse 2
The world, to prove thy saying true,
With cruel wrath our souls pursue,
As evil they cast out our name,
And brand us with thy glorious shame.
Verse 3
All kind of ill they falsely say,
Because we will thy truth obey,
To thee with steady purpose cleave,
And godly in thy Spirit live.
Verse 4
Expos’d to man’s oppressive power,
We stand in danger every hour,
The rage of persecution bear,
And hated as our Lord we are.
Verse 5
O may we in thy footsteps go,
Thee, only thee resolv’d to know,
To slaughter in thy Spirit led,
Conform’d in all things to our head.
Verse 6
Give us thy strength, O God of love,
And hide our better life above,
Then on our side at last appear,
And lo, we come to suffer here.