Verse 1
Moses by faith from death was sav’d,
While heedless of the tyrant’s will,
His parents in their God believ’d,
And dar’d the lovely babe conceal.
Verse 2
By faith, when now to manhood grown,
A just contempt of earth he shew’d,
Refus’d a prince’s name to own,
And sought but to be great in God.
Verse 3
In vain its pomps ambition spreads,
Glory in vain displays her charms,
A brighter crown its lustre sheds,
A purer flame his bosom warms.
Verse 4
Wisely he chose the better part,
Suff’rings with God’s elect to share,
To pleasures vain he steel’d his heart,
No room for them when God is there.
Verse 5
Fleeting he deem’d them all, and vain,
His heart on heavenly joys bestow’d,
Partaker of his people’s pain,
Th’ afflicted people of his God.
Verse 6
Egypt unfolds her golden blaze,
Yet all for Christ he counts but loss;
A richer treasure he surveys,
His Lord’s anticipated cross.
Verse 7
He triumph’d in his glorious shame,
On pleasure, fame, and wealth look’d down,
’Twas heaven at which his wishes aim’d,
Aspiring to a starry crown.
Verse 8
By faith he left th’ oppressive land,
And scorn’d the petty rage of kings,
Supported by Jehovah’s hand,
And shadow’d by Jehovah’s wings.
Verse 9
His steady way he still pursu’d,
Nor hopes nor fears retard his pace,
Th’ Invisible before him stood,
And faith unveil’d the Saviour’s face.
Verse 10
By faith he slew the typick lamb,
And kept the Passover of God:
He knew from whom its virtue came,
The saving power of sprinkled blood.
Verse 11
With all the servants of his Lord,
He (while the first-born victims died)
Dar’d the destroying angel’s sword,
And, arm’d with blood, its point defied!