My God, my God, on Thee I call, Thee only

Verse 1
My God, my God, on thee I call,
Thee only would I know:
One drop of blood on me let fall,
And wash me white as snow.

Verse 2
Touch me, and make the leper clean,
Purge my iniquity:
Unless thou wash my soul from sin,
I have no part in thee.

Verse 3
But art thou not already mine?
Answer, if mine thou art!
Whisper within, thou love divine,
And chear my doubting heart.

Verse 4
Tell me again, my peace is made,
And bid the sinner live,
The debt’s discharg’d, the ransom’s paid,
My Father must forgive.

Verse 5
Father, forgive thy froward child,
I ask in Jesu’s name,
I languish to be reconcil’d,—
And reconcil’d I am.

Verse 6
Behold for me the victim bleeds,
His wounds are open’d wide,
For me the blood of sprinkling pleads,
And speaks me justified.

Verse 7
O why did I my Saviour leave,
So soon unfaithful prove?
How could I thy good Spirit grieve,
And sin against thy love?

Verse 8
I forced thee first to disappear,
I turn’d thy face aside—
Ah! Lord, if thou hadst still been here,
Thy servant had not died.

Verse 9
But O! How soon thy wrath is o’er,
And pard’ning love takes place!
Assist me, Saviour, to adore
The riches of thy grace.

Verse 10
O could I lose myself in thee!
Thy depth of mercy prove,
Thou vast unfathomable sea
Of unexhausted love!

Verse 11
My humbled soul, when thou art near,
In dust and ashes lyes:
How shall a sinful worm appear,
Or meet thy purer eyes!

Verse 12
I loath myself, when God I see,
And into nothing fall,
Content, if thou exalted be,
And Christ be all in all.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "After a Relapse into Sin." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems (1740), published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1740). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 326.
Publishing: Public Domain