Verse 1
O God, the Help of righteous kings,
Cover beneath thy mercy’s wings
The Prince to Brittain given,
Surround with an angelic guard,
And late remove to his reward
A glorious crown in heaven.
Verse 2
A thorny crown on earth he wears,
And burthend with a nation’s cares
Submits to thy decree;
King of a restless murmuring race,
The foes of peace and righteousness,
The sons of anarchy.
Verse 3
The Great — in wickedness and vice
Their own ambitious ends disguise
As pillars of the Throne
For riches, pomp, and power contend
The kingdom into parties rend
And seek themselves alone.
Verse 4
With fair pretence of public weal
Others their dark designs conceal,
And seek the nation’s good
By Liberty’s inchanting name
With untold fury they inflame
The frantic multitude.
Verse 5
See when the Beast of many heads
Riot, dismay, distraction spreads
In revisions to the laws!
Hark, how the drunken patriots roar,
And swear our freedom to restore,
Or perish in the cause.
Verse 6
Fierce as the beast with iron teeth,
They menace Cesar’s friends with death
Beneath their feet they tread.
And rush as ministers of fate
Presenting at the palace gate
The royal Martyr’s head.
Verse 7
Tir’d of a mild pacific Prince,
They want, to scourge them for their sins,
A monarch stern and proud,
A tyrant their blind zeal demands,
A Nero to imbue his hands
In his old tutor’s blood.
Verse 8
Yet, O thou God of patient grace,
Still let a vile rebellious race
Thy sparing mercy prove
Give us not up in righteous ire,
Nor, as our ripend crimes require,
Our gracious King remove.
Verse 9
Cloth all his enemies with shame,
But for the honour of thy Name,
Thy Minister defend:
Peace to the world unknown impart,
Strengthen his hands and chear his heart
And bless him to the end.
Verse 10
Thine Image let the people see,
And terrible in majesty
Thy great Vicegerent own
Arm him with wisdom from above
While justice, truth, and loyal love
Support his awful throne.
Verse 11
Keep as the apple of thine eye,
Till late translated to the sky,
He takes his destin’d seat,
Drinks the full streams of heavenly bliss,
Or sinks in silent ecstasies,
And worships at thy feet.