Verse 1
O God, who hear’st the prayer
For Jesus’ sake alone,
Receive thy darling care,
Thy own anointed one,
Our king into thine arms receive,
And let him to thy glory live.
Verse 2
Thy minister for good
To us he long hath been,
And in the gap hath stood;
And still he stands between
Thy little flock and papal power,
Nor lets the Romish wolf devour.
Verse 3
His mild and gentle sway
Hath check’d our brethren’s rage,
And spoil’d them of their prey,
And sav’d thine heritage,
Who still with his protection blest,
Beneath his sacred shadow rest.
Verse 4
O for thy Jesus’ sake,
Thy Sion’s debt restore,
And pay the blessing back,
In thy protecting power;
Ten thousand thousand blessings shed
In showers on our defender’s head.
Verse 5
Prolong his glorious race,
And let him late remove
To see thy blissful face,
And take his seat above;
Keep, till his full reward is given,
And guard him to a throne in heaven.