Verse 1
O holy, holy, holy Lord!
Righteous in all thy ways art thou!
I yield and tremble at thy word,
Beneath thy mighty hand I bow,
I own, while humbled in the dust,
I own the punishment is just.
Verse 2
Joy of my eyes the creature was;
Desired;—but O! Desir’d for thee!
Why feel I then th’ imbitter’d loss?
Late in thy judgment’s light, I see
Whom now thy stroke hath far remov’d,
I lov’d—alas! Too dearly lov’d!
Verse 3
And can I see my comfort gone,
(My all of comfort here below)
And not allow a parting groan,
And not permit my tears to flow?
Can I forbear to mourn and cry?
No—let me rather weep and die.
Verse 4
Dear, lovely, gracious souls, to me
Pleasant your friendliness has been;
So strange your love, from dross so free,
The fountain in the stream was seen;
From heaven the pure affection flow’d,
And led, from whom it sprang, to God.
Verse 5
To him thro’ earth-born cares ye pass,
To him your loosen’d souls aspire:
Glory to God’s victorious grace!
O could I catch the sacred fire,
Your shining steps from far pursue,
And love, and weep, and part like you.
Verse 6
Partners of all my griefs and joys,
Help me to cast on God my care,
To make his will my only choice,
Away the dear right eye to tear,
The wise decree with you t’ adore,
To trust, submit, and grieve no more.
Verse 7
O let your prayers the Saviour move,
In love my spirit to renew!
O could I taste the Saviour’s love,
Gladly I then should part with you;
My all triumphantly resign,
And lodge you in the arms divine.