Verse 1
O King of saints, with pitying eye,
Thy poor afflicted people see,
Who hold thy word, nor dare deny
Thy name, tho’ suffering loss for thee.
Verse 2
Expos’d to shame, and want, and pain,
Crush’d by the persecutor’s power,
Thou, Lord, their fainting souls sustain,
And keep them in their trying hour.
Verse 3
From anger, and contemptuous pride,
From low revenge, and faithless fear,
Preserve, and still their spirits hide,
Till thou in their behalf appear.
Verse 4
Their feeble hearts confirm, unite,
And fix on their reward above:
Imbolden with thy Spirit’s might,
And arm them with thy patient love.
Verse 5
Thee let the witnesses confess
Before the rebel sons of men,
Proclaim thine all-victorious grace,
And suffer till with thee they reign:
Verse 6
To thee, and to each other cleave,
While midst the ravening wolves they lie,
A pattern to believers live,
A pattern to believers die!