Verse 1
O Lord, our strength and righteousness,
Our hope, and refuge in distress,
Our Saviour, and our God,
See here, an helpless sinner see,
Sick, and in pain he gasps to thee,
And waits to feel thy blood.
Verse 2
In sickness make thou all his bed,
Thy hand support his fainting head,
His feeble soul defend;
Teach him on thee to cast his care,
And all his grief and burthen bear,
And love him to the end.
Verse 3
If now thy will his soul require,
O sit as a refiner’s fire,
And purge it first from sin;
Thy love hath quicker wings than death;
The fulness of thy Spirit breathe,
And bring thy nature in.
Verse 4
If in the vale of tears thy will
Appoints him to continue still,
O sanctify his pain,
And let him patiently submit,
To suffer as thy love sees fit,
And never once complain.
Verse 5
O let him look to thee alone,
(That all thy will on him be done
His only pleasure be)
Alike resign’d, to live, or die,
As most thy name may glorify,
To live or die to thee.