Verse 1
O my Advocate above,
Feel I yet again thy prayer?
Stop the torrent of thy love—
Love beyond what I can bear!
Vilest of the rebel-race
Dost thou still my soul reprieve,
Still pursue me with thy grace?
How shall I thy grace receive!
Verse 2
Saviour, dost thou bid me rise,
Dost thou give me back my hope?
Can I lift my guilty eyes?
Dare I, after all, look up?
O depart from me, depart,
I am, Lord, a sinful man,
Leave me to my wretched heart,
Let me suffer all my pain.
Verse 3
What have fiends to do with thee?
Leave me all my hell to bear,
Squander not thy grace on me,
Give me over to despair:
No; thou wilt not loose thy hold,
No; thou wilt not quit thy claim;
Sold to sin, to Satan sold,
Lost, and damn’d—yet thine I am.
Verse 4
Overwhelm’d with pardning grace,
Jesus, at thy feet I lie,
Dare not see thy smiling face,
Tremble at thy mercy nigh;
I, a child of wrath and hell,
How can I look up to heaven!
Lord, I faint thy love to feel,
Blush, and die to be forgiven.
Verse 5
After all that I have done,
Saviour, art thou pacified?
Whither shall my vileness run?
Hide me, earth, the sinner hide.
Let me sink into the dust,
Full of holy shame adore;
Jesus Christ, the good, the just,
Bids me go, and sin no more.
Verse 6
O confirm the gracious word,
Jesu, Son of God and man,
Let me never grieve thee, Lord,
Never turn to sin again:
’Till my all in all thou art,
’Till thou bring thy nature in,
Keep this feeble, trembling heart,
Save me, save me, Lord, from sin.
Verse 7
Do not suffer me to live,
To provoke thy glorious eyes,
Thee by sin again to grieve,
Thy rich mercy to despise.
Rather now, take back my breath,
Rather now my soul require,
Let me fly from sin to death,
Let me at thy feet expire.